Naples | Florida

Meet Tania

My journey into the yogic lifestyle began in my late teens, inspired by a deep fascination with the spiritual essence of yoga and its ancient teachings on oneness and union with the divine. Even before I fully understood the symbol of OM, I surrounded myself with sacred OM artifacts and adornments, creating an environment that reflected my inner connection to these principles.

As I deepened my spiritual practice and connection with my inner being, my love and dedication to my mat and the physical practice of yoga naturally evolved. Despite exploring various career paths, I often felt unfulfilled, frustrated and without a purpose. It eventually dawned on me that the activities I engaged in when no one was watching, the subjects I passionately researched, and the knowledge I sought purely out of love were signs of my true passion and dharma.

As a yoga teacher, my intention is to guide my students back into their bodies, cultivating a profound awareness of breath and alignment with the innate power within. Through conscious breathing and mindfulness, I assist my students in inviting prana and presence into their practice, supporting them in expanding their awareness and opening their hearts to themselves and their yoga practice—both on and off the mat. 

When you leave my class—whether it’s Yin Practice, Mindful Movement Practice, Yoga Nidra, Meditation, or Breathwork—you will feel lighter, with an overall sense of peace and calm, a reduction in mental noise, and a deeper connection to your Self and the Source within you that provides a profound sense of inner strength.

You will feel like your cup is full, your heart overflowing with gratitude, and a piece of you reconnected with your soul. In that moment, you recognize that you are the co-creator of your life, and I call this M A G I C. You begin to see magic everywhere, knowing deep in your heart that you are guided, gifted, aligned, and connected.

I have completed over 600 hours of training in various modalities and styles of yoga, which I have integrated into a unique, harmonious flow that blends movement with breath and presence.

The day I decided to embark on the journey to become a yoga instructor marked a pivotal moment. It was then that I subconsciously chose not to remain small, quiet, or unnoticed. I recognized that I had a gift to share, and as I surrendered to the fear that once held me back, I tapped into an innate strength rooted in trust, faith, and self-belief. This shift empowered me to show up as a leader, excited and eager to change lives, one sacred practice at a time.

“Tania excudes JOY! She brightens every room she enters and every person she meets. You feel her heartfelt presence. She shares her soul and in turn, fills others. She sparkles with her smile, energy and vision. It’s like MAGIC. Those who have her in their life are blessed. She calls it MAGIC, I call it a MIRACLE!” ~ ♡ Sandy

“Be the silent watcher of your thoughts and behavior, you are the stillness beneath the mental noise, you are the love and joy beneath the turmoil of the mind.”

~ Eckart Toile

Horizon Way
Beach Yoga

~Bring a large towel/blanket and prepare to Earth

Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday

$15 Love Offering/ Donation


Reasons to Practice Yoga on the Beach

Do you want to Boost your immune system?

Do you want to improve your sleep at night?

Do you want to decrease stress and induce deep relaxation?

Do you want to reduce blood pressure?

Do you want to increase your physical energy?

If you said yes to any of the above, try Beach Yoga for yourself and see how you feel when you are done.

Practicing Beach Yoga is a magical way to start your day and a fantastic way to practice Earthing. Earthing is the process of absorbing the Earth’s free-flowing electrons from its surface through the soles of one’s feet or entire body.

Beach Yoga — All Level Flow

This scenic class will connect you to nature and all the elements, while you connect and come back home to your own true nature. Tania will intuitively guide you through a balancing practice where you will stretch, lengthen and engage muscles you didn’t even know you had. Both the energies of Yin and Yang are incorporated into Tania’s sequence leaving you feeling grounded, balanced and complete.

Join a Class

Yin Yoga

This class focuses on using a meditative approach to unblock trapped and stagnant energy in the physical, emotional, and energy body. It is a slow-paced style of yoga incorporating principles of traditional Chinese medicine, with a series of long-held, passive floor poses that work the lower part of the body—the hips, pelvis, inner thighs, lower spine, and targets the connective tissue. This practice helps to open up energy centers, relieve trapped energy, increase mobility and the bodies natural range of motion, and helps to restore the nervous system to peace and calm.

Gentle Movement Flow

This class will ebb and flow between conscious movement and stillness while incorporating breath awareness and mental focus to achieve a feeling of meditation in motion, as well as a deep practice of embracing the pause, stillness and lingering body sensations. This class will conclude with a mini Yoga Nidra Meditation.

Yoga Nidra

This practice is an ancient sleep based guided meditation technique which has been scientifically proven to induce deep relaxation, reduce stress, spark creativity, enhance body-mind rejuvenation and improve immunity to stress in everyday life. I Am Yoga Nidra™ is based on the lineage and teachings of Amrit Yogi Desai. Using a series of breath, body and awareness techniques, Yoga Nidra literally stills the waves of the mind and is a tool to return you to the knowing of Source.

“She placed her hands on the ground and prayed directly into the Earth, her love carried the message of gratitude, apology, and a new willingness to defend the only home she has ever know.”

— Yung Pueblo