Weekly Seed of Inspiration

When we create peace, harmony, and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives."  Louis Hay

You may have heard me end our yoga session with a particular affirmation over the years. In this week's seed, I will share the affirmation with you so you can use it beyond your mat and in your life when needed. 

On this day, I am filled with loving kindness; I am well 

(Breathe in and out)

On this day,  I am peaceful and at ease; I am happy

(Breathe in and out )

On this day, I am in alignment with the source of my creation; I am in flow  (Breathe in and out)

I love affirmations because they immediately catapult you into the eternal present moment of now, from which all miracles manifest. They are powerful tools that help reverse negative mental chatter. This particular affirmation is meaningful to me and holds great power when spoken, felt, believed, and considered true and done. These powerful words, backed by love, intention, action, and passion, help to calm your mind, soothe your nervous system, and elevate your frequency and vibration.

Affirmations are powerful spoken words that can help improve our lives in many ways. Louis Hay is considered the Queen of Affirmations and one of the founders of the self-help movement. One of the things that Louise taught was the power of the spoken word. Louis Hay taught that there are really just two mental patterns that contribute to disease: fear and anger, and these thoughts have the capacity to poison the body. 

In order to heal ourselves, we must substitute faith for fear—faith in life, faith in the universe, faith in our own word, and faith in our inherent powers to heal backed by Grace. 

Spoken words are constructs of real energy. They manifest as vibrations in the air and begin a divine process within you. Your body's intelligence constantly listens for instructions and fulfills your requests as best it can. How we speak to ourselves and others and what energy we infuse into our spoken word is important.

Negative words spoken in frustration, worry, and fear are heard and received the same way loving thoughts of kindness are spoken. Whether spoken internally or out loud. Saying affirmations every day begins a positive process.  It is good to say affirmations first thing in the morning and last thing at night, but anytime during the day really is effective.

Affirmations should be spoken in the present tense and backed by "belief" and "trust" that what you are uttering is true. Imagine planting healthy seeds (good thoughts) in fertile soil (Subconscious Mind) that will produce a beautiful garden of flowers (life filled with ease and grace.)   

Stress is a disease of the mental mind. Even when we want to turn off the mind, we can't. However, thoughts are not always the problem; our relationship with our thoughts creates the problem. When life gets stressful and feels confusing, messy, and like a constant struggle, oftentimes a reset is needed... a pause to relax your shoulders, unclench your jaw, and a few conscious breaths in and out to get present. Speak an affirmation to yourself or out loud, and imagine filling your cup with loving kindness, peace, ease, gratitude, and joy. 

Living a life free of struggle, difficulty, and stress could be a mindset and affirmation away.  We may not always have the answers or know what to do next, when, where, or why, but relying on our deepest intentions and affirmations with trust that they are true and already done can help clear the path and steer the way. 

Speak this affirmation out loud three times. Repetition and consistency are key and powerful. Focus your attention in and around your heart center, and Infuse the words with pure conscious intent. ♡ 

(feel free to add, substitute, or change the words so that they resonate and feel good for you)

On this day, I am filled with loving kindness; I am well and grateful (Breathe in and out)

On this day,  I am peaceful and at ease; I am happy and smiling (Breathe in and out )

On this day, I am  in alignment with the source of my creation; I am in flow and Align with Grace (Breathe in and out)

(Pause and notice how you feel, and pay attention to how your day gloriously unfolds as you keep your affirmation close to your heart.)

 "Whatever comes, let it come, whatever stays, let it stay, whatever goes, let it go. Just flow and trust that I got your back." ~ The Universe

 Believe in Magic


