Weekly Seed of Inspiration

Today is a day we should not forget to celebrate, acknowledge, and pay reverence to. Today, we deeply honor the One Mother who sustains us throughout all our lives.

World Earth Day, also known as International Mother Earth Day, is a globally recognized event dedicated to raising awareness and promoting the sustainability of our planet.

Today, we give thanks, like we do every day, to our beautiful Pachamama for always holding us with so much love and supporting us with so much sustenance. 

Thank you, Mother, for your vast beauty and for allowing us to ground into you. Thank you for giving us a home and for all of your support. Thank you for letting us live on you and for providing us with your nourishment and abundance. Thank you for our boundless gifts and infinite blessings.  Thank you for healing and charging us with your electrons that neutralize our negativity and free radicals. Thank you for transmuting our darkness into light.  Thank you for the beautiful trees, flowers, mountains, and oceans. Thank you for the air we breathe and the water we drink and bathe in. Thank you for housing the critters, furry ones, and birds that sing their precious songs. Thank you for the awe, the miraculous, and the splendor.

Thank you, Mother Earth, Gaia, Pachamama 🙏🏽

We are grateful for our home and all the gifts that nourish and sustain us.  Thank you for reminding us that we are perfect in our imperfections. 

Here is my favorite prayer to Mother Earth that I use almost every day:

Mother Earth

Enlighten what is dark in me

Strengthen what is weak in me

Mend what is broken in me

Bind what is bruised in me

Heal what is sick in me

Lastly, revive whatever peace and love has died in me. 


 Take a moment today to ground your feet, touch the ocean, hug a tree, and feel the dirt of the Earth. Pray, Meditate, and Give Thanks. 

May we recognize how blessed we are and wholeheartedly commit to caring for our Earth Mother.   

Click here to listen to a beautiful TUNE 


