Part Two 

I hope this seed welcomes you today with open arms, lungs full of oxygen, and life-giving healing Prana. In this seed, I will introduce the energetic benefits of breathing and how we can connect with our heart, soul, and the infinite intelligence that dwells within each of us through our breath.

"The spiritual life force that dwells in our breath is not the same as the physical process of breathing or the air we take into our lungs. The Hindus call this life force Prana, the Chinese call it Chi, The Hebrews call it the Breath of Life, and Christians call it the Holy Spirit." Andy Caponigro

Breath is Life. It contains our life force. It is our connection to the web of life, each other, nature, and every living thing breathed through a single divine, sacred breath. Deep breathing is essential because it connects us to our still point and helps us access the greater part of our being that is fully connected to All That Is. Our breath is like the wind, cleaning and clearing away old structures, patterns, and stagnant energy. The wind and our breath are transformative. Breathing deeply lifts our spirits and moves us into a peaceful state of consciousness. 

The Breath of Life is the spiritual life force that dwells in our breath. We are given a miracle at birth when we take our first sip of oxygen into our physical vessel. According to Andy Caponigro in his book The Miracle of the Breath, "The Breath of Life is the spiritual energy that gives our breath its life-sustaining powers. There is the breath, and then there is the life force that flows within the breath. The spiritual life force is a ray of pure Divine Consciousness that emanates directly from the Godhead - the formless dimension of reality that is the source of creation." 

"God breathed the breath of life into man's nostrils, and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7 

"The Hindu Sages recognized the divine nature of the life force thousands of years ago. They called it Prana and sometimes referred to the Pranic life force as "the Breath behind the breath." Because our breath is so intimately linked with the Pranic life force, the Hindu masters teach that God is closer to us than our very own breath. Kabir, one of India's great poet-saints, wrote this verse to remind his followers that they needn't look farther than their breath if they want to know where God is." 

Are you looking for me? I am in the next seat.

My shoulder against yours.

You will not find me in Indian shrine rooms, synagogues, cathedrals, masses, or sacred songs. 

Not in legs winding around your own neck, nor in eating nothing but vegetables. 

When you really look for me, you will see me instantly.

You will find me in the tiniest house of time. 

Kabir says: "Student, tell me, what is God?"

He is the Breath inside the breath. 

"In the Hindu tradition, God, Prana, and the Divine Consciousness are considered to be one and the same. This is why the Hindu sages also call Prana "The Breath of God."They believe that God creates the universe with his own breath because the Pranic life-force, Breath of God, is the same as Divine Consciousness in its creative (or moving) aspect." Andy Caponigro

 Through our conscious breath, we intentionally breathe vital life force into our energy body and direct it to where we want it to go and what we want to inspire ourselves with. Conscious Breath + Pure Intent is a very powerful and profound practice for connecting and aligning with the Infinite Field of energy. It is a form of meditation, prayer, and self-healing.  

When I breathe consciously, I feel like my breath aligns me with something bigger than myself.  I feel connected to my angels, guides, and loved ones that have passed, especially my Dad. I literally feel the flowing of Spirit to me and through me.  I feel protected, guided, supported and surrounded by love. Taking deep, Divine, conscious breaths expands our capacity to nourish ourselves with the living breath of Source flowing inside us.

Try to feel your breath fill all the places inside that are weary, tired, stuck, and ready for rejuvenation.  Partnering with breath while fully present facilitates a connection with the Infinite Intelligence that lives in us and around us. This is a beautiful and powerful way to ALIGN WITH GRACE and the Source of our Creation. We are meant to thrive, not just survive. Our ability to breathe deeply and consciously reflects our ability to take in the goodness of life.


1. Lie down or sit in a chair with your spine straight

2. Close your eyes and set your intention to connect with your Divine Self

3. Focus your attention several feet above your head

4. Take a slow, deep breath through your nose, visualizing white light entering through the top of your head and moving into the center of your heart. 

5. When you exhale, push this light out through your heart, releasing all sadness, stuck energy, pain, insecurity, grief, and fear.

6. Repeat 20 times or as many times as you feel comfortable. 



The Holy Breath meditation is a great way to breathe in Prana, which assists in clearing out cells and revitalizing blood. Deep breathing raises our vibration, clears out emotional and mental states, and helps us reach deeper states of awareness and relaxation and connect to our Divine Self.

We are God in form. The idea that we are separate from God is the root of all of our suffering. When you forget this and feel overwhelmed, breathe and remember who you truly are.

 In Joy and with Gratitude,


 "Believe in Magic"



