Seed of Inspiration

Monday, April 8th, is the day we will be greeted by a celestial phenomenon that will give us a rare opportunity to witness the dance of the cosmos. The moon will gracefully obscure the radiant face of the sun. This spectacle will not happen again until August 23rd, 2044.

Eclipses are big amplifiers for energy ready to move.  

One of my favorite writers to learn about the magic in our sky is Anne Ribley. She describes the Solar Eclipse as the "Ring of Fire," taking us through the shadows or what we have felt in the dark or unknown into the light on all levels. Through the darkness and into the light, we will eclipse and activate what is next."   

Many astrologers say we are in a manifesting portal of change, where a new chapter awaits us, and life is about to RESET. According to Jill Withersteen, founder of the astrologer and wellness brand Spirit Daughter, this "Total Solar Eclipse is an opportunity to shed anything that doesn't help you align with your soul and plant seeds of intention that do. We are being asked to prioritize ourselves, our life's mission, and what lights up our soul."

Be mindful about how you spend your day tomorrow, and avoid energy that may disrupt your inner peace and harmony and trigger stress or anxiety.

Some Practices for the Solar Eclipse

1. Spend time in Nature to anchor into the present moment. Ground with Mother Earth, Pachamama (hug a tree, walk barefoot in the grass, the sand or go in the ocean) 

2. Journal and focus on what you wish to manifest and consciously direct your energy towards positive outcomes. 

4. Spend some time in Meditation and Be Still

5. Make a list of what you want eclipsed out. What can you surrender and let go of that is obscuring your light? And what blessings do you want instead? 

6. Remember to BREATHE deep In and Out.

Make it a super magical day and stay tuned and tapped into your heart and what you are feeling. As you journey from your head to your heart, be a beacon of light in the darkness, let your heart and light lead the way, and always be guided by GRACE 💛 


Check out the website if you want to figure out your ideal viewing

 "Believe in Magic"


