Weekly Seed of Inspiration


Two weeks ago, I shared the significance of the New Moon and suggested a ritual to perform to align with this new Lunar Cycle. Today, I will share the intention of the Full Moon, which is also a potent phase and a powerful time to lighten and illuminate aspects of yourself.

I am a "Moon Child" by birth, born in June and ruled by the Moon. I have always been fascinated with the Moon and feel deeply connected to all its phases.

The tides in the ocean are immensely affected by the Moon's phases, and so are we since we are said to be made out of 60% water. The Moon seems to change constantly and represents our fluctuating emotions. In my life, the moon reminds me that it is ok to go through different phases, and through the highs and lows, I am reminded that I am always whole. 

The Full Moon is a time to feel the truth of what is weighing you down. What needs to go? What needs to be released? What needs to be purged, cleansed, and cleared? It could be a habit, an addiction, a grievance, a resentment. What emotions are stirred up during this heightened phase of the Moon? Lady Luna shines bright in the sky each month, illuminating what needs to be seen, felt, and dealt with

The Full Moon on March 25th is super special because it is combined with a Lunar Eclipse, which means the Earth's shadow will be cast on part of the Moon. (some of you may have seen the spectacle overnight) Eclipses occur when the Sun, Moon, and Earth line up.  Eclipses always amplify the energetics of the phase we are in. So, during this time, as the Earth casts a shadow on the Full Moon,  we are encouraged to embrace our inner darkness. Lunar eclipses illuminate hidden truths and bring awareness to aspects of our lives that may have been previously overlooked and ignored.

Tonight, stand under the Moon's light and feel her glow shine down upon you and within you. Open up your skin's pores and feel every cell in your body rejuvenated by her healing light. Feel your stress, fears, anxieties, and worries dissolve as her light penetrates the darkness within you. 

The Full Moon Phase is also a great time to cleanse your home, purge the old, clear the clutter, and eliminate unnecessary garbage and waste. It is also a great time to burn sage or palo santo and/or light incense. Burning palo santo and sage sticks is called smudging. This ancient spiritual clearing practice uses smoke to disperse stagnant and negative energies, creating and encouraging a positive and calm space. 

"Into this smoke, I release

all energies that do not serve me,

all negativity that surrounds me,

and all fears that limit me,

so it is.


Under the light of Lady Luna,  release whatever is no longer serving you to the Moon and the Universe - Let go of what keeps you stuck in heavy energy.  Meditate and ask yourself, what needs to be released, let go of, and relinquished? What is taking up unnecessary space in your mind, body, and heart? Is there a person, a place, a thing, or a habit that you know deep in your heart must go? Is it not serving your highest well-being? Is it blocking your light? Your growth? Your expansion? Where are you out of alignment?  Perhaps we can use the alignment of the Earth, Moon, and Sun during this eclipse to support a rebalance in an area of our life that has been out of alignment. 

 The 5 Simple Steps of the Full Moon from Anne Ribley

It’s Simple Yet Magically Transformative: "PEN TO PAPER, ANTENNA TO GOD, WRITE IT RIGHT." 

  1. Create a sacred space with meditational music.

    1. “Write it right” on a piece of paper all you would to relinquish. This is all the darker aspects of your life. The more specific the better. The areas where you need Divine help to heal, whether it be something inside you or a life situation.

    2. Set in the fireplace or use a lighter and let the paper burn.

    3. Announce the words out loud with full intention; I Relinquish! BeGone!

    4. Stay open to the miraculous and watch your prayers begin to manifest. 

"Believe in Magic"



