Weekly Seed of Inspiration

I do not understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us." ~ Anne Lamott

The image above appeared in the early morning skies exactly five years ago today, on February 7th, 2019, 4 days after my dad passed. From this moment onward, I knew that Divine Grace, protection, and assistance would govern and guide my steps ahead forever. My Dad continues filling my life with love and reminders of his presence daily. Gifts of Grace packaged with heartfelt Glimmers make Magic feel so real to me.    

Some words are easy to recognize but difficult to define. We all have experienced "Grace Moments," where we intuitively know what Grace is when it shows up, but trying to express this idea is difficult. I know Grace when I see and feel it, but it has always been challenging for me to define it. If you are like me and have "Parking Angels," then you know Grace when you see it :) 

Grace has many meanings, including beauty, elegance, charm, mercy, flow, harmony, and divine love. The dictionary defines Grace in a myriad of ways, including: "a virtue coming from God," "the quality or state of being considerate and thoughtful," "a charming or attractive trait or characteristic," and "unmerited divine assistance."

"What is Grace? I know until you ask me; when you ask me, I do not know." ~ Saint Augustine

The Grace that grabs my attention the most is when I am in harmony with myself, others, and the power that creates the cosmos. It's when the feelings of gratitude, unconditional love, and awe fill my cup. It feels like a force is working behind the scenes to make everything unfold harmoniously, abundantly, and synchronistically. It feels like a wink, a nudge, and a smile from the other side. This is Magic to me. 

Grace is the glimmer that puts a smile on my face, the awe of realizing life is a gift, and the sacred meaning of living in harmony with the way of nature and the universe. Grace shows up for me when I am in the "flow state," and my tasks seem to fall into place effortlessly and quickly, and I know there is divine assistance coming from my entourage of helpers. 

Most recently, I had an important task that needed my attention on the backend of my website, where domain names, hosts, and foreign-looking three-letter words required verification. Long story short, I figured it out on my own. When my son asked me three days later if I came to a resolution, I said yes, I did, but truthfully, it wasn't me who figured this task out; it was spirit working through me to do what I couldn't do myself. Those who know me well know I am very far from tech-savvy.  I could continue sharing the many ways Grace knocks on my door, but I'll save that for another time.  

Grace is not a reward for faith; faith is the result of Grace." ~ John Blanchard

 I believe progress and growth need not be made through struggle and solitary effort. Instead, trusting in divine aid and remembering that divinity is all around us here on Earth makes life easier and more graceful. Trusting and aligning with the Universe and All That Is is beautiful.  Whether it's a Loved One that passed, The Forces of Nature, The Creator, God, Great Spirit, Guardian Angels, or Ishvara, discovering and remaining open to how Grace taps us on the back is a fun way to live and receive the unconditional gifts available to each and every one of us. With Gratitude ♡  

Take a deep breath and trust in the flow of life.  

  Thank You✨Thank You✨Thank You


"Believe in Magic"


