Weekly Seed of Inspiration

 I've been listening to Wayne Dyer a lot lately. He is one of my favorite inspirational authors and motivational speakers and in many ways, I consider him to be my spiritual "guru". His core message is incredibly profound to me:

"You are the same as your Source. You are God. "Because you come from God, you can't be anything but God" 

Love is God, Love is Light, Love is Truth, Love is Beauty, Love is Gratitude, Love is everywhere in nature and is the highest vibration in the Universe.

LOVE is the sacred journey to connect with your inner light. SELF LOVE is the key that unlocks the door to your heart. It’s a way of being in full acceptance and trust in yourself, and acknowledging the essence of love that is you. Love is the deepest connection to yourself, the universe and your own divinity. 

What I have learned is that the more I live in alignment with this understanding and practice giving generously, kindness, sincerity, gratitude, ease, trust, faith, acceptance and love not only to others but also to myself, something magical happens as a result;  synchronicities and opportunities, serendipity, abundance, grace and joyful glimmers everywhere.  This to me is MAGIC 

Love is the Frequency of Magic βœ¨πŸ’“βœ¨ 



 "Your heart is where your inner light resides. It is part of every sacred journey to reconnect with your inner light, step into your divinity, spread light of love before you, return to the essence of love, and inspire others to do the same"  ~ Molly Friedenfield
