Weekly Seed of Inspiration

Once the seed of faith takes root

It cannot be blown away,

Even by the strongest Wind

Now that’s a blessing.


   I believe we all have principles, core values, words and truths we live by and that govern our lives.  Many words have different meanings and even contain a vibrational energetic imprint.  FAITH is one of those words that can mean one thing to one person and something very different to someone else.   

According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, FAITH has multiple definitions including; "something that is believed with strong conviction", "complete trust", "belief and trust in and loyalty to God", "a firm belief in something for which there is no proof or evidence".  Marianne Williamson describes Faith as "a power that gives you a confidence based on something that is in you but not of you, that can do for you what you can't do for yourself".  

Over the years, I have learned more and more to rely on Faith as one of my guiding principles. When I am overwhelmed with doubt, fear, indecisiveness, confusion or any of the thought forms that attempt to steal my inner peace; I remind myself to surrender to something bigger than myself, to a force that lives within me and to a power that dwells all around me; this way I can sit back and take my hands off the steering wheel and allow the ease of divine unfoldment to take over. 

Living with Faith invites in the practice of surrender and surrender literally means to stop fighting. "Let Go and Let God" is what always comes to my mind in this particular state.     

 One of my favorite intentions to recite when uncertainty, fear and doubt find their wicked way in is:

I trust and have Faith in the Guidance of Source, LIght and Life

I am open to the flow of Blessings and the Highest Divine Possibilities

I am open for the Divine to unfold things in my life in a way that's even better than I can imagine.  

Thank You✨Thank You✨Thank You

"Believe in Magic" 


