Weekly Seed of Inspiration

The Tree of Life, Animal Kingdom

The image above captures a micro moment of awe and beauty and defines my meaning of the word Glimmer. A moment of awe, filled with gratitude, joy and a big smile. Glimmers are micro moments of goodness that help to restore our state of being. A  glimmer is the opposite of a trigger.  We all know what a trigger is and more often than not, it elicits a feeling that is not good or desirable. 

A glimmer is a word I learned recently.  A glimmer evokes joy, gratitude, a smile and often feels like a gift of grace and of course I'll add magic.  Glimmers can elevate your mood and even relax your nervous system.  A glimmer is an accepted term in psychology and is a term that is associated with Polyvagal Theory, a system that takes a deep look at how nervous system responses can help you find a sense of connection in relationship, cope with challenges and heal from trauma.

Glimmers will be different for each one of us. What brings us joy may not be the same for the other person; for example, seeing a rainbow in the sky might elicit a smile from one person while it may have a neutral effect on someone else.  Watching a beautiful sunset and the micro moment of the afterglow, or the moon rising and her radiance glowing in the night sky, or seeing the leaves on autumn trees turn shades of bright orange and yellow like a canvas painting or recognizing a beautiful scent lingering in the air from a nearby flower. One of my favorite glimmers is seeing a shooting star in the night sky and seeing dolphins frolciking in the water; truly a gift and many times it feels like a loving wink from the spirit world.  

My invitation is to be on the lookout for glimmers; notice the moments in your day that make you feel joy, happiness, peace or gratitude and simply put a smile on your face.  Once you train your brain to be on the lookout for glimmers, these tiny moments will appear more and more.

And always remember to say:  

Thank You✨Thank You✨Thank You 

B E L I E V E  in  M A G I C

 "Often I'm so lost in illusions that I do not see the beauty of the world, or hear the music of the world, or feel the love in the world.  Today I choose to be aware of them all. How often I hide away from the gorgeous manifestations around me.  From the beauties of nature to the tenderness of friendship, the miracles of the world often fade from my view without my really having seen them.  Today may this not be so.  Today I see the evidence that the world is a wonderful place.  May I not fall asleep to the miracles around me. I embrace what the world has to give to me, and I give thanks that it is so." ~Marianne Williamson



Allow the light of the moon to shine its light on all the blocks to your inner peace

Allow the light of the moon to illuminate joy and peace within

Allow your inner light to shine brightly and be a glimmer for many 🌟



