Good Thoughts

According to Rhonda Byrne in her book "The Daily Teachings," Monday is considered "Good Thoughts Monday." In my class this morning, I shared a practice that involves committing to not saying or thinking anything negative for 24 hours. Although this may seem easy, without mindfulness and presence, it's very easy to go off on tangents filled with negative thoughts or words.

Some people instigate negative thoughts without even realizing they are perpetual complainers. Others might say something negative or mean about someone or about what they did or didn't do. Sometimes we criticize others and ourselves, and sooner or later, we find ourselves in a negative thought loop that brings us down.

The words we speak and the thoughts we think carry powerful frequencies. They emit energy that can actually alter our reality.

Today's invitation is to challenge yourself to avoid speaking or thinking anything negative toward yourself or others. Perhaps you challenge yourself even longer. 

Rhonda Byrne recommends to focus your mind on your heart. Breathe deeply, keeping your focus on your heart.  Concentrate on feeling love in your heart. Breathe out holding your focus on your heart and feeling the love in your heart.  Repeat this a total of seven times.

When you do this correctly, you will feel a very big difference in your mind and your whole body. You will feel more peaceful, your will feel lighter, and you will have stopped those negative thoughts.  

And, as always, bring your attention to what you are grateful for, and take time to count your blessings.  This will shift your thoughts from negative to positive immediately. 

