Weekly Seed of Inspiration

 Have you ever heard of the ancient Hawaiian prayer method called Ho'oponopono? This week, I will share its meaning and the magic that lies within four very specific phrases.





  Ho’oponopono roughly translates to “cause things to move back in balance” or “make things right.” It’s a very zen concept.  Accordingly, repeating this prayer over and over is a powerful way to cleanse the body of guilt, shame, haunting memories, ill will, or bad feelings that keep the mind fixated on negative thoughts. 

Ho'oponopono is rooted in the understanding that all of our experiences and problems reflect our inner state. We can positively influence our external world by addressing and resolving these inner conflicts. It's all about healing, clearing the mind of negative thoughts and feelings, and recognizing that our inner world influences and shapes our outer world.  

When you practice Ho'oponono, you say the phrases internally and silently to your Higher Power, God, Infinite Intelligence, Source, the Universe, etc.  When you use these words, you try to dissolve a false belief, block, memory, or limitation you are feeling or perceiving.   

It is like using an eraser to clean the slate and wipe it clear of what was. 

"Ho'oponono is a profound gift that allows one to develop a working relationship with the Divinity within and learn to ask that our errors in thought, word, deed, and or action be cleansed in each moment. The process is essentially about freedom, complete freedom from the past." Mornah Nalamaku Simeon, Ho'oponopono Master Teacher

 Ho'oponopono uses four mantras to clear out limiting beliefs in the subconscious mind. Repeating "I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You" helps you acknowledge and take responsibility for negative thoughts, actions, or emotions that may have contributed to conflict or disharmony within yourself or others.

Research has found that the applications of Ho'oponopono have far-reaching implications and can be used in any situation, problem, issue, relationship, or concern simply by using intention and attention. These four key mantras are said to heal relationships, pain, and suffering and invoke the manifestation of abundance and prosperity in all areas of life.  

I've known about this powerful healing prayer for many years but recently started incorporating it into my life and meditations. Joe Vitale has a great book called "Zero Limits,"  which details Ho'oponopono and the remarkable story of a Psychologist who worked at the Hawaiian State Hospital and healed the entire ward full of criminals without ever seeing them. His name was Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.  Dr. Hew Len traveled the world teaching Ho'oponopono after witnessing the remarkable results he achieved with the use of this prayer.  You can read more about his story here.

Theresa Tzinberg wrote an article in the Inward Bound Network explaining how to use Ho’oponopono to heal one's body of discomfort, illness, pain, or other feelings. "To heal the body, focus the mantra with heart-felt sincerity on the area of pain or illness in your body. The energy within the mantric words will penetrate to the cause of your suffering, cleansing and purifying the memories trapped within your body's cells and creating symptoms."

 I am making a commitment to incorporate this mantra into my life for the next 60 days. I am curious to see what shifts and deep shedding can arise. 

Who would like to join me? I can't wait to hear about your results and see for myself what outcomes arise. 

 Click here to listen to a beautiful song by the Emmitt Sisters. 

   In Joy and with Gratitude,



