Let's take a moment to celebrate ALL Fathers on Earth and on the other side—the Heroes, Protectors, Teachers, and Guides.

Albert Einstein said, "Energy cannot be destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another." Since my Dad passed 6 years ago, I can attest that this is true.  His presence is so near and dear, and his guidance and protection are so magically real. During our physical time together, we shared beautiful memories and joyful tears, but we weathered some turbulent storms as well; some left scars and cracks in the foundation of love.  But through it all, I speak to him and feel him say to me ...

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you"

Happy Father's Day to all Fathers, Grandfathers, Father Figures, Uncles, and anyone who is like a Father, has a Father, or is soon to be one.

We must also honor the Divine Masculine when we celebrate Father's Day. The Divine aspect of the Creator, God, Source, Universe. 

Divine Masculine Energy is something we all possess, no matter what gender we are. It is an active force responsible for order, structure, passion, willpower, and courage. It is also known as Yang, Shiva, or Solar Energy. The Divine Masculine is ruled by the Sun (fire) and Sky (Air) elements. The Sun never fails to shine, always rises to meet us, and sustains all life on Earth. 

Ever since I began studying the history and teachings of Yoga, I have been fascinated by the concepts of Shiva and Shakti. They are two fundamental forces in Hinduism that play a significant role in yoga philosophy and practice. 

The Divine Father resides within us as pure consciousness and knowledge and is symbolized by Shiva, the masculine principal.  Shiva is often associated with pure awareness and transcendence, amongst many other things. Shiva is known not only as the God of creation but also as the God of destruction. He is known as the Lord of Yoga and represents masculinity's highest and truest expression.

Lord Shiva is often revered as the embodiment of that ever-present stillness that lies beyond the mental noise and turbulence of our thoughts and emotions we refer to so often on our yoga mats and practice in our meditations. 

"Shiva consciousness is a state of inner peace, boundless awareness, and self-realization inspired by the teachings of Lord Shiva. It's about transcending the limitations of the ego and experiencing a profound connection to the divine and the universe as a whole." ~ Guru Amrit Desai

Divine Mother lives within us as energy and vitality, symbolized as Shakti, the Feminine principal.  Shakti is associated with movement, creativity, and transformation. The activating power that allows us to express ourselves and manifest our desires. She is the life force energy that makes the rivers flow, just as she powers the breath, makes our heart beat, and fires our muscles and bones.  

These two forces create the dynamic interplay of opposites essential for spiritual growth and self-realization. Working with the energies of Shiva and Shakti in your personal yoga practice can help you cultivate a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you. By balancing stillness and movement, awareness and creativity, knowledge and deep feeling, you can tap into your full potential and live a more fulfilling life.  

Today, let us connect with our true identity and inner Self and honor the Consciousness that dwells within us all. Let us honor and celebrate the Masculine, the Divine Father, and the forces of nature imbued with the energy of strength and fortitude. 

Let us celebrate all Fathers everywhere and receive the guidance to bring us back to our center, our hearts, and the source of everything. Let us believe in our inner light to shine and radiate our Magic. 


( I Bow to Shiva )

The Consciousness that dwells in all - the Inner Self - The form of God inside 


Summer Solstice
