Weekly Seed Of Inspiration

Behind these stunning doors at Blue Spirit, the magic unfolded with the birth of each glorious new day. Each day a blessing, every moment an unrepeatable miracle, and a sweet memory that will live deep within my heart forever. It was indeed an honor to be in the presence of such a beautiful yoga tribe from near and far 💛

Silencio Shala - Blue Spirit

“The only way to live is by accepting each minute as an unrepeatable miracle.” Jack Cornfield

The driving force behind the planning, prepping, and rolling out of “Love Is The Frequency Of Magic” has been TRUST and FAITH. I could not have pulled this together in 2 months if I had not implemented these two unseen forces. Faith and Trust allowed me to believe I had something solid to stand on and gave me the wings I needed to fly. Not only did I have faith that I was being guided and supported at all times, but I also developed a trust and BELIEF in myself that has exceeded my norm historically.  From day one, I intended not to allow fear, doubt, and worry to get in my way, and they never did. I chose Trust and Grace, however, and allowed Grace to flow through me graciously, and it did.  I am beyond grateful. 

"Without faith, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible." ~ Mary McLeod Bethune

Believing in yourself is a practice and, for some, a milestone. For me, it is both. I have spent a good portion of my life not believing in myself. I doubted, feared, and lived disconnected from the yearnings of my heart. I doubted myself and what I was capable of and had minimal self-worth, which at times was debilitating. When the heart knows what it wants to do and the mind finds every reason to believe it can’t, there is no room to flourish, grow, and spread your wings. This is when intervention is needed—a shift in perspective from fear to love, doubt to trust, and lack to abundance.

"The mind is the servant. You are the master." ~ Mooji

 “Sometimes, we are the negative energy that blocks our path. It's important to check ourselves and take ownership of our emotions. Self-doubt, harsh critique, and expectations can create more resistance than anything else. Trust that you've been taken care of. Trust the timing of your life. Your journey unfolds exactly as it should, so be kinder to yourself. You'll flow much easier that way.”- Esther T.

Life is continuously unfolding and unraveling, especially when you choose to do something that feels scary, unknown, out of the box, and uncomfortable. When you come to your edge, you come face to face with yourself.  What if you allowed vulnerability to greet and meet you at the door of transformation? Brene Brown says, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.”  Vulnerability can be seen as a superpower and a catalyst for personal growth. When your pain becomes your purpose, you meet an aspect of yourself that courageously celebrates victory over your outdated story of lack, limitation, and not-enoughness. 

A journey it is indeed. It is a continuous journey that ebbs and flows, evolves, and carries you to your most significant purpose and self-expression. The lotus flower symbolizes rising from a dark place into beauty and rebirth. Lotus flowers grow directly from muddy, murky waters and produce beautiful white and pink blossoms. We, too, can blossom and bloom into our own beautiful fullness 🪷

“Magic is not something mysterious, something from the dark ages. Magic is simply stepping outside life as we know it. Magic is believing in what cannot yet be seen until it can be. Magic occurs on the road less traveled. Magic is the ability to believe in something with a single-minded focus until it materializes into your physical reality. Magic is living in alignment with the Great Magician, Infinite Intelligence, Universal Power with Gratitude, Love, Trust and Faith.” ~ Wayne Dyer

Love Leads Me

Blessings Follow Me

Gratitude Fills Me

Grace Flows Through Me

Magic Surrounds Me

Faith Fuels Me

Stay tuned for upcoming events, new offerings, programs, and future retreat information.


In Joy and with Love,


"Believe in Magic"


